Improving life through optimal health

Hormone Therapy

Is hormone therapy right for you?

BioTe Hormone Replacement Pellets

Have you not felt your best for so long that you are not sure if it is possible to feel well again? If you have tried everything else or if pellets are your first efforts to feel like yourself again, BioTE® Medical and Sharpless Wellness Center provide pellet therapy for women and men. We offer bio-identical hormone treatment through the use of BioTe Hormone Replacement Pellets just under the skin which “optimizes” the patients health for months!  Results average 3-4 months for women and 5-6 months for men….No messy creams, no painful weekly injections, and most importantly, no “roller coaster” effect. Balanced hormones are necessary for maximum health and disease prevention, for women and men alike, as we age.  For your convenience we offer all suggested diagnostic services in our facility. Take our hormone imbalance quiz below to find out if BioTe pellets are right for you!  Hear about how hormone therapy can change your life HERE

Hormone Imbalance Quiz

Please select all symptoms that apply and click submit when finished.

What are the signs and symptoms of low testosterone in men?

Low levels of testosterone in men is much more than just low sex drive or sexual dysfunction (ED). Symptoms consistent with low testosterone are:

  • Low sex drive
  • Sexual dysfunction (ED)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increased body fat (especially in the waist area)
  • Decreased bone mass
  • Mood changes
  • Lower mental capacity
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Brain Fog

Studies have shown there are some disease states/conditions that are consistent with low levels of testosterone which include: 

  • Diabetes
  • Cardio vascular disease 
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol use
  • High cholesterol

Click Here for more information

What are the signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women?

There are a variety of symptoms from hormone imbalance in women. Symptoms of hormone imbalance may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Night Sweats
  • Hot Flashes
  • Decreased Sex Drive
  • Weight Gain
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Cold Hands and Feet

If your menstrual cycle has stopped before menopause, or if you are experiencing this or any other symptom of menopause, you may have low estradiol. An increase in UTIs, depression or painful intercourse may also indicate low estradiol in women. Click Here for more information

What is BHRT?

BHRT stands for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. What does that mean? Bio-identical refers to how molecularly similar the supplemental hormone is to the human hormone. Other supplemental hormones such as the ones administered by conventional physicians are not bio-identical. Bio-identicals are derived from plants while synthetic hormones are derived from animals. Hormone replacement therapy is the purpose of the bio-identical hormones. People who lack certain hormones or who have too much of a certain hormone may benefit from BHRT.

What are BHRT pellets?

BHRT pellets are subcutaneous implants that are inserted into the hip area. They are made of custom compounded hormones and natural binders to hold them together. The hormones are compounded in one of two pharmacies in the United States that are licensed FDA outsourcing centers and are held to strict standards. Every batch of hormones is tested for consistency, purity and comes with our guarantee that our patients are being provided the best possible therapy to help their healing.

What is the BHRT pellet insertion process like?

The BHRT pellet insertion process is straightforward, fast and simple. First schedule a new patient consult to test your current hormone levels. Based on your comprehensive consultation and thorough blood work panel, we will determine if you are a candidate for BioTE pellet therapy. Then a quick follow up appointment will be scheduled for your unique pellet therapy insertion.

What are the drawbacks of pellet therapy?

Pellet therapy may not be covered by your insurance provider. However, pellet therapy, especially when compared to the cost of treatment for the myriad conditions it lessens and prevents, is very cost effective as well as natural.

What hormones are optimized by Bio-identical Pellets?

Hormones are responsible for beginning and ending most processes within the body. They are a particular kind of molecule called a signaling molecule produced within the body to regulate physiology. Every hormone plays complicated roles within the body, but to simplify them: there are sex hormones, immune hormones, sleep hormones, stress hormones, growth hormones, cardiac associated hormones, digestive hormones, and Vitamin D (Yes, this is a hormone!). Sex hormones include testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. This is not a complete or comprehensive list of hormones and their functions.

Where do hormones come from?

Hormones are made by glands that belong to the endocrine system in the human body. The main glands are the hypothalamus, the thyroid, the thymus, the pancreas, the adrenals, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the ovaries and the testes.

How can I get started with pellet therapy?

Take our hormone imbalance quiz at the top of the page and contact Sharpless Wellness Center today to begin changing your life. 
